Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Electronic Health Record (EHR) The New Face of Healthcare

Electronic Health Record - The Biggest Contribution to Healthcare

Healthcare is taking one step ahead to manage the patient’s data electronically, which is necessary for the treatment of the patient as well as claim processing. Electronic health records and electronic medical records are the latest platforms used for data management.

What is a need for electronic intervention?
For best ethical practices, federal regulations are being implemented to every aspect of healthcare. Record management also getting structured under federal regulations and HIPPA compliance requirements. The tools used to capture the data and generate records are also expected to follow these regulations.

We have seen medical records generated on paper and in last few decades’ computer has replaced handwritten efforts to generate medical records to some extent, but required manual intervention for comprehension. But some basic limitations still persist:
  1. Adhering to the data privacy and data portability rules by HIPAA is difficult
  2. Data storage required more space and was tedious and costly.
  3. Data assessing and accessing frequently was difficult.
  4. It was a very time consuming process for the physicians as well.
  5. There is no uniformity in the reports.

EHR Advantages:
Adhering to regulations is much easier with the help of latest digital platform. EHRs can create an environment that will provide much better solution and the service adds more value in terms of quality, cost effectiveness and preciseness.

Improvement in medical record generation as well as medical data collection with the latest technology based software helps the patients by improving their satisfaction level. Using EHR to capture data has following advantages:
  • The data is easily recorded within stipulated time.
  • There is a very minimal manual data comprehension required.
  • The data collection errors are reduced to null.
  • Data privacy is maintained.
  • Data portability when required is safe.
  •  Data analysis is far easier.
  •  Record archival and re-utilization for treatment purpose is hassle-free.
This helps in collection of precise information in given time allowing doctors to spend more time for patient interaction and to focus on actual work. This has improved patient/physician relationship and the satisfaction in the patient.

ITCube provides solutions for converting scribbled handwritten documents to EHR (electronic health records). Domain expertise on board, resources with more than 10 years of experience in medical data handling and very sound knowledge of accessing different EHR/EMR makes ITCube the right choice for medical record generation via EMR/EHR.

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